Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 27- Fake food vs Real Food

For the past 27 days I am constantly amazed when I think about the foods I used to eat. Particularly when I think about how often I would eat McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, Whitespot, KFC etc. I am amazed at how often people eat this food without even thinking about a) what it actually is and b) what it is doing to our bodies.

Before I stumbled across The Earth Diet... to be honest.. I never thought much about the effects that processed foods and chemically driven foods can do to our body. I never thought much about how food is actually to nourish our bodies. How does fake food such as Mcdonalds nourish us? It doesn't.

I want to share this video with you... Please watch it! Be amazed!

When I watched this I honestly didn't know what to say. I've heard before about how poeple have kept cheeseburgers and it has never moulded. But what really stuck out to me was when she compared a french fry from mcdonalds to a potato fry that she cut from real fresh food.

Honestly... What is it that they are putting in these foods????? How could people watch this.. or even movies like Supersize Me... and not question what it is the food industy is encouraging us to put into our bodies!?

When I was a regular Mcdonald's customer... I loved it! Don't get me wrong. They put some sort of chemical in their food which causes our taste buds to go wild. The sad thing is, it dampens our taste buds to how great healthy and real foods taste! I never enjoyed vegetables, it tasted bland. But now, everything feels so alive in my mouth and I love it.

I feel like I could rant about this for days... and I will probably talk about this again... But for now I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Much love x

My day:

Breakfast- Banana/mango/carrot/celery/berries/apple/flaxseed smoothy

Lunch- Mandarins, berries, almonds

Snacks- frozen mango, frozen berries

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