Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 9- Never give up

"The secret of our success is that we never, never give up."- Wilma Mankiller -

I did it!!! I finally did it!!! It took a few trials... but I have finally been able to make chocolate balls that I love! I tried quite a few times, and each time I thought it was so gross. Liana made it look so easy. For awhile there I thought I would never be able to create that perfect chocolate ball and that I was doomed to never be able to satisfy my chocolate cravings. But last night I thought I would give it one more try... and it was amazing. Even Dustin loved it! I took some chocolate balls with me to work today (on day 10 right now wooohoooo!) and I'm looking forward to being able to enjoy them in the afternoon.

So I just want to encourage and inspire you all to never give up! When you try new foods and are experimenting on The Earth Diet and at first you might not like what you taste, don't give up! Keep trying. Play with it for a bit until it tastes the way you love. Or maybe your taste buds are just not yet used to all the fresh Earth goodness! Keep trying until you love it. Years ago the idea of eating raw brocoli would make me gag, but now I love it! I didn't love it at first, I thought it was disgusting... but now I eat it almost everyday and I cannot go without it.

We/I need to keep learning to make new meals, foods, etc if we want to be successful on the Earth Diet. It keeps it exciting ! And entertaining! I'm planning on the weekend to begin to make vegetable juices. So far I have only had fruit juices, but I think it's time to up my game and try maybe a beet juice or begin to have green vegie juices. I read that alot of the nutrients that are found in green veggies, you actually need to chew it at least 30 times to be able to get the full benefits! Sometimes that's just too much. So they recommend that you juice your veggies to be able to get all the enzymes and nutrients out so that it can nourish your body! I'm pretty sure that at first I probably won't like the taste, so I plan on mixing it with some fruit aswell. And then over time I will slowly ween off the fruit and just enjoy a pure vegetable juice! I can already feel my body is excited in anticipation for more nourishment.

So, some encouragement that happened on Day 9 is that my co-worker made a very positive remark! Firstly, he is such a great guy. His wife is studying nutrition at university, and they are a very healthy family. He is always coming into work with salads and smoothies and nuts and other foods that will make your mouth water. I told him what I was doing and he was in full support of me. He told me that already he can see a change in my complexion, that my face looks different.. that it's brighter and looks more healthy and happy! Wow! In only 9 days... Imagine in a month!?

I wanted to post a couple of videos on here of what Liana and Sarah are up to on their Earth Diet challenge.

The first is of Liana making a beautiful chocolate slab. I thought it would be appropriate after my success in finally being able to make a chocolate ball. Hopefully soon I will be able to make a slab similar to this and enjoy it (I tried on the weekend and it was a complete failure hahaa). This is just an example of some of the foods you can enjoy, and know that it is beneficial for you. 

The second is of Sarah that just recently posted. The day before she did this video she had to break the Earth Diet (for personal reasons) and this video is about how her body responded to this. I was amazed, and encouraged. It reminds me of Day 7 for me when I had a small slither of a cake, and immediately I had a splitting headache. My body completely rejected it, even thought it had only been 7 days since I had eaten foods that were not from the Earth. Although this video is different than the rest, I hope it inspires and encourages you also to see how preservatives and chemicals were not designed to be in our bodies.

Enjoy :)

My day

Breakfast: Protein shake, cashews, orange

Lunch: Kale chips, steak (I feel like I'm eating toooooo much meat blegh)

Dinner: Lamb

Snacks: Cashews, chocolate balls (See The Earth Diet website for recipes), banana

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