I love meat. I'm a meat eater. I've grown up in a family who every night would have steak, lamb chops and everything else. It's an abnormal idea to eat a meal and not have any meat in it whatsoever. And when you do, you almost feel like your meal wasn't complete.
My friends would always laugh at me with the way I eat chicken. Or lamb chops. I'm known to be a bone sucker. The fleshy meat is just not enough for me. I will suck on that bone until it is completely dry. I would sit there forever just sucking out that marrow inside the bone. When everyone else had already left the table, you'd find me still sitting there, still sucking, with a big pile of bones beside me.

And then, to my disappointment... His grandma TOOK THE WING OFF MY PLATE and remarks "Ohhh! You don't want that! That's not the tastiest bit"... and she replaced it with white meat. No bones. Just the flesh. I was so disappointed. But I couldn't say anything because I had just met her.
Actually, now come to think of it... It was probably a good idea that happened! Imagine meeting your future in-laws for the first time and you're sitting there with a pile of bones just sucking away....
Now that you have more of an understanding to just how much I love my meat, let me share with you what has been happening with my body since being on The Earth Diet. It feels like my body has been rejecting all the meat I have been consuming. Firstly, I'm going to be honest here. I don't think I have been 100% with the Earth Diet in that the meat I am eating, it's not the best meat for me. It isn't organic. It's from the supermarket.
I feel like my desire for meat is decreasing. I'm wanting it less. It dosen't feel as satisfying. After I've eaten the meat I feel a little sickly. I don't think I'm going down the path of becoming a vegeterian, but I'm starting to think that maybe my body doesn't need meat everyday. Maybe the media and other sources have just fed our brains with the idea that meat is an important part of our diet. I know that meat is a source of protein, and protein is important in any diet. But there ARE other sources of protein. And the sources are much cleaner and healthier for you. Such as nuts, beans, lentils, legumes.
I'm trying to change my eating patterns. We have made a couple of meals now where we havn't used meat. I think this is going to be a slow transition for me. And our budget. I want to buy organic meat, but it is so expensive.
I've decided I need to incorporate beans and lentils into my diet more. That way I can eat less meat, but still be having a source of proten. Yesterday I brought organic lentils... The only thing is, I have no idea how to cook it or how to incorporate it into a meal so that it's delicious! Any ideas or help would be so appreciated. Thank-you. :)
My day:
Breakfast: Celery/Carrot juice
Lunch: Pistachios, grapes, plums
Dinner: Chicken .. wings. urg.
Snacks: Cashews, Apple Pear (It looks like an apple, feels like an apple, but the texture inside is like that of a Pear. It's an asian fruit)
Exercise: Sleep ;)
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