Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 3: Steak and pumpkin salad

Hey all,

I'm onto Day 3 of being back on the Earth Diet. It's been harder to get back onto it than the last time when I first started! I'll be honest, I had fish and chips last night. The more I eat processed/fast food the more gross I feel. My skin is looking horrible right now! Anyways, I gotta be patient with myself and go through this transition period. Otherwise, I've been making good food choices! Today I declare that I will only eat all natural foods for Day 3.

I just want to quickly share with you a meal that Dustin and I made the other night! It was DELICIOUS!!!  We made it up ourselves but were inspired by other salads we've had. 

It was a Moroccan style salad...

Spinach leaves
Red pepper
Red onion
Cherry tomato
Pine nuts

Firstly cut the pumpkin and potato into small squares and boil it until soft. And then drizzle with olive oil and roast in the oven. 

Grill the red pepper and red onion. 

Cut the steak into small pieces and cook. 

Put in a bowl the spinach leaves, red pepper, red onion, pumpkin and potato squares, cherry tomato and steak. Squeeze lemon juice all over it. Sprinkle with pine nuts. 

And you're done!!! 

It was amazing and we plan on having that again tonight. Yahoo!

Peace and love x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Sam,

I just wanted you to know that you inspire me and have inspired me to start a another blog too! Hubby and I have done all kinds of diets, from raw to all of them...this one seems the most well rounded, plus eating healthy thank you and hugs to you! xo